The South Korean Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft are intensifying their relations in the field of application-oriented research. On the Korean side, the KEIT is in charge as one of the R&D project management organizations in the South Korean Ministry of Economic Affairs, while Fraunhofer IKTS is responsible on the German side. KEIT specializes in the planning, evaluation and management of research and development in the field of industrial technologies in South Korea. The focus of the funding activities is on industry demand and the marketability of technologies.
“South Korea has been an important strategic partner of Fraunhofer IKTS for many years. The joint center now creates an international contact point that brings companies and researchers together to develop concrete technology projects,” emphasizes IKTS Institute Director Prof. Alexander Michaelis. “Together, we are developing sustainable and economical solutions for the global challenges of resource scarcity, the energy transition and digitalization and putting them into practice with companies. In particular, IKTS contributes its expertise in the fields of energy and environmental technologies, green hydrogen and non-destructive testing to the collaborations.”
The center acts as a coordination point for R&D collaborations between Fraunhofer IKTS, other Fraunhofer institutes, universities and companies from Germany as well as Korean research and industry partners. Together, technology needs and technology funding programs for joint projects in both countries are identified, project initiation is supported and technology transfer is prepared.
In addition, networking between the German and Korean partners is further promoted in joint seminars and workshops. Both Fraunhofer IKTS and KEIT support the center in Dresden-Klotzsche with human resources. The first German-Korean R&D projects are scheduled to start as early as 2024.
“The establishment of this joint center is an important step and a direct result of our efforts in recent years to make Saxon research and industry even more visible internationally. The fact that Saxony was chosen as the location is a great success and proves once again that the location is also perceived internationally as one of the most dynamic in Europe,” said Saxony’s Minister of Economic Affairs and Deputy Prime Minister Martin Dulig in his welcoming address at the opening ceremony of the center. Dulig continued: “We therefore very much welcome and support the initiative of Fraunhofer IKTS to establish a German-Korean cooperation center with KEIT. After all, Germany and South Korea not only share the same values and the same economic and security policy interests, they also face similar global challenges. The new cooperation center will help to link our Saxon researchers more closely with our Korean partners and deepen cooperation in the interests of both our countries.”
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Further links
👉 www.ikts.fraunhofer.de
Photo: Fraunhofer IKTS