In the presence of Gertrud Maltz-Schwarzfischer, Mayor of the City of Regensburg, Jens Weber, Managing Director of Technologie Centrum Chemnitz GmbH as representative of the City of Chemnitz, Jörg Recklies, Head of the Regensburg site at Infineon Technologies, and Alexander Rupprecht, Managing Director of “TechBase” Regensburg, the new premises of Fraunhofer ENAS were officially opened on November 26, 2024.
With the opening of the “Innovation Office” in the “TechBase”, the institute is expanding its presence and visibility in southern Germany – in addition to its headquarters in Chemnitz and a location in Paderborn – in the scientifically and economically strong region of Regensburg. The aim is to further strengthen long-standing business relationships with regional players from industry and science, to establish a platform for exchanging research ideas and networking and to create points of contact for new collaborations in the field of research and development.
“Greater Regensburg is a highly dynamic and fast-growing region. A lively start-up scene, renowned high-tech companies, numerous small and medium-sized enterprises as well as first-class research institutions and universities form a unique and stimulating ecosystem here – comparable to that in Chemnitz. This high level of innovation and the focus on semiconductor, sensor and biotechnologies as well as IT and artificial intelligence, which rely on high-performance micro and nanotechnologies, make this region in southern Germany the ideal starting point for us to develop new ideas and actively shape technological progress in pioneering fields,” explains Prof. Dr. Harald Kuhn, Institute Director of Fraunhofer ENAS, who is closely connected to Regensburg through his activities in previous management positions and knows the opportunities and challenges of the region.
As a reliable research and innovation partner, Fraunhofer ENAS will also offer customers and partners in Eastern Bavaria the opportunity to benefit from the key competencies of the Chemnitz-based institute in the field of smart systems in the future with its new premises. “For innovations to emerge and be successfully implemented in practice, proximity to our customers is particularly important to us. With our ‘Innovation Office’, we are now also represented directly in the heart of Bavaria and can personally support our customers and partners as a trustworthy and competent partner to solve their challenges. Together, we can develop innovative products even faster and more effectively and transfer them to application,” says Prof. Dr. Harald Kuhn.
As a place for exchange, meetings and start-ups, the “TechBase” creates an excellent framework for leveraging the potential of new technologies and accelerating their transfer to business, science and society. For the Fraunhofer ENAS, the establishment in the “TechBase”, whose network consists of numerous technology-oriented partners and companies, results in valuable synergies in the region. “With Fraunhofer ENAS, we have gained a strong partner for our innovation and start-up center and we are very pleased to be able to expand our ecosystem in this way, which will further strengthen the innovative power of the region,” explains Alexander Rupprecht, Managing Director of “TechBase” in Regensburg.
About Fraunhofer ENAS
The particular strength of the Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems ENAS lies in the development of “smart systems” – so-called intelligent systems for various applications. These systems combine electronic components, micro and nano sensors and actuators with interfaces for communication. Fraunhofer ENAS develops individual components, the technologies for their production, but also system concepts and system integration technologies and transfers them into practical use. The institute supports customer projects from the initial idea through design, technology development or implementation using existing technologies to the tested prototype.
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Further links
👉 www.enas.fraunhofer.de
Photo: Martin Förster