
Federal Minister of Economics Habeck: Federal government wants to strengthen Germany as a semiconductor location

Corona and war have highlighted risks to chip supply

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Corona and war have highlighted risks to chip supply

“Events with geopolitical implications, such as the Corona pandemic and the Russian war of aggression on Ukraine, have once again greatly highlighted the dependence on global supply chains, including the risks to the industry’s semiconductor supply in the EU.
German companies are increasingly beginning to review and diversify their trade and supply relationships. The supply relationships of companies that rely on the supply of semiconductor products will become an important point in the assessment of business risks, about which investors and contract customers demand information.
At the same time, we, the German government, want to strengthen our country as a semiconductor location. In the coalition agreement, we agreed to support the German semiconductor industry along the entire value chain, including financially.
The German government has already been funding microelectronics projects since 2019 via a first Important Project of Common European Interest (IPCEI). A second IPCEI in the field of microelectronics and communications technologies is currently being examined under state aid law. Furthermore, the federal government is prepared to support and promote settlement projects for semiconductor manufacturing under the European Chips Act.”
Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck

This statement was first published as part of our magazine NEXT “In Focus: Microelectronics”. To the complete issue of the magazine.
Related Articles: Germany’s microelectronics landscape – Europe’s semiconductor heart beats here. European Chips Act: good, but good enough? Why are semiconductor fabs so expensive? Saxony’s chip industry is strengthening its supply chains

Photo: Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection

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Silicon Saxony

Marketing, Kommunikation und Ă–ffentlichkeitsarbeit

Manfred-von-Ardenne-Ring 20 F

Telefon: +49 351 8925 886

Fax: +49 351 8925 889


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