
Comarch: Why the interface between humans and software is becoming more “natural”

July 15, 2024. Michal Pruski, Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer of the Comarch Group, answers exciting questions about the use of AI in ERP systems in an interview with Focus Switzerland. As an IT innovation driver, the Comarch Group has been supporting companies of all industries and sizes with digitalization for more than 30 years. It is therefore only natural that the opportunities offered by artificial intelligence should also be exploited for the company’s own customers. Fokus wanted to find out more about how this works.

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Mr. Pruski, where do you currently see the biggest challenges in the field of artificial intelligence?

The current state of the application of AI technologies in the industry is progressive. Nevertheless, there are various challenges, including the lack of data quality and the often inadequate data protection and compliance guidelines. The latter can have a critical impact, as many countries have strict data protection laws that regulate the handling of sensitive (financial) data. Companies must therefore ensure that their AI initiatives comply with the applicable regulations, which can pose additional challenges. In general, the successful use of AI often requires a certain rethinking of the corporate culture and an adaptation of processes.

How does Comarch deal with AI?

We have been dealing with artificial intelligence for a long time, the topic has not only been present in our company since ChatGPT. As an IT company, we naturally follow the development of new technologies very closely and look for opportunities to integrate them into our applications at an early stage. We try to identify the areas in which the use of AI technologies gives us a competitive advantage – and brings our customers the greatest added value. For example, we see the numerous opportunities for simplification that arise through the use of AI technologies in the business environment. For example, in view of the shortage of skilled workers, AI-based applications can free employees from repetitive and manual work – and thus give them more capacity for more creative tasks. As an IT manufacturer, we naturally attach great importance to the data protection mentioned above. Our ERP solution “Comarch ERP Enterprise”, which – thanks to our ERP 5.0 strategy and based on AI – further improves business processes, ensures GDPR-compliant data management in principle and will also comply with the new AI regulation.

What specific AI technologies does Comarch use and develop?

Our flagship project that we are currently working on in the ERP area with AI is called “Comarch ChatERP”. Comarch ChatERP is integrated on the basis of the general artificial intelligence ChatGPT. Our aim is for the AI to provide a natural language interface for communicating with our software. For a long time, communication was based on text-based interfaces, so you had to be very familiar with the various commands to call up a function in the software. Now, artificial intelligence forms the interface between humans and software and all you need to do is enter a natural command in the chat window. And if we look at the manufacturing sector, we have a production-heavy customer base, especially in Switzerland. Here, the need for comprehensive control and monitoring of production processes is paramount. By connecting the machines to our innovative “Comarch IoT MES solution”, production data is recorded, analyzed and displayed in a user-friendly way. This enables our customers to make operational business decisions quickly.

What are the everyday benefits of AI integration in ERP systems?

With our AI-based Comarch ChatERP, users can communicate and interact with the ERP system in natural language. The application can also provide information about the data stored in the system, explain the functions of the software and the principles of business processes, and perform numerous activities at the user’s command. In addition, the tool is seamlessly integrated into the graphical user interface (GUI), which facilitates navigation and access to the required functions. Comarch ChatERP can also take users directly to views that are deeply nested in the GUI, for example. This makes it easier to use different versions and products of the Comarch ERP system.

What impact has the implementation of ERP solutions with AI functions had on your customers?

We are currently in the beta phase. The beta version of Comarch ChatERP will be released in the new system versions later this year. Comarch’s ERP solutions are already used by around 100,000 companies in DACH, Poland and France, several tens of thousands of which are in the Comarch Cloud. The announcement of the new functionality has therefore aroused great interest.

What kind of support and training do you offer after implementation?

We focus on continuous support and maintenance services for our applications, including the AI solutions. In this way, we want to ensure that they run smoothly and are always up to date. We also offer individual training programs and further training measures for customer companies to train their employees in the use of AI technologies and deepen their understanding of digital transformation.

For more information about Comarch and our AI-supported software solutions, visit Learn more about the use of AI in the loyalty sector.

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Photo: Comarch

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