MicroelectronicsInfineon: Approval for EU Chips Act funding received – IPCEI funding drives innovation projects in EuropePromotion | Resilience | Semiconductors | Technological Sovereignty
MicroelectronicsEuropean Commission: Commission approves German aid of €920 million for the construction of a new semiconductor plant by InfineonPromotion | Resilience | Semiconductors | Technological Sovereignty
MicroelectronicsInfineon: Milestone on the roadmap for 200 mm silicon carbide (SiC) – product delivery to customers startsSemiconductors | Technological Sovereignty
Microelectronicsmi2-factory: Securing Series A financing and IPCEI ME/KT funding for novel EFIITRON semiconductor process technologyFunding | Process Technologies | Research & Development | Semiconductors
MicroelectronicsTU Dresden: Breakthrough in conductive plastics – New polymer crystal conducts electricity like a metalElectronics | Forschung & Entwicklung | Research & Development
MicroelectronicsFraunhofer and Free State of Saxony: Saxony funds microelectronics research with 38 million euros as part of the EU Chips ActCleanroom | Ecology & Energy Transition | Halbleiter | Ă–kologie & Energiewende | Packaging | Packaging | Production | Produktion | Research & Development | Semiconductors | Sustainability | Technological Sovereignty
MicroelectronicsInfineon: Optimization and diversification of manufacturing structure with new back-end production in ThailandCleanroom | Internationalization | Production | Semiconductor
MicroelectronicsSemi: 18 new semiconductor factories to start construction in 2025Halbleiter | Semiconductors
MicroelectronicsCapgemini: More than 50 percent of companies are concerned about semiconductor supply in the next two yearsProduction | Resilience | Semiconductors | Technological Sovereignty
MicroelectronicsRenesas: Agreement signed with Honda to develop a high-performance SoC for software-defined vehiclesElectronics | Mobility | Semiconductors | Software Development