Human Resources

BTU: Student numbers at BTU continue to rise

December 9, 2024. Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU) is becoming increasingly attractive for prospective students. After around 2,000 young people enrolled for the first time since 2019 last year, this year’s figure was 2,200. The total number of students rose to 7,100.

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Students in the lecture hall. Photo: BTU, Ralf Schuster

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About 1,900 first-year students for the current winter semester 2024/25 followed around 300 enrolments for the summer semester 2024. The huge increase in the number of applications from 6,900 to 10,800 already showed the growth in the number of students at BTU. The University of Lusatia continues to attract a large number of prospective international students. Currently, the proportion of students of foreign origin is 43 percent.

In the Bachelor’s area, the number of enrolments has risen by around 100 compared to the previous year. Degree courses such as primary school teaching – which got off to a very successful start last year with over 160 new enrolments in the current winter semester, social work, architecture and civil engineering are making a significant contribution to this result. In addition, many first-year students have opted for urban planning and urban development, business administration, environmental and resource management, therapeutic sciences, biotechnology and mechanical engineering, including the dual study program.

The BTU’s Bachelor’s programs are of particular interest to first-year students from the wider university region. More than three quarters come from Brandenburg, Berlin and Saxony.

In the Master’s area, BTU scores with its international profile and attracts students from all over the world to Cottbus and Senftenberg. With its successful degree programs, the university generates young talent for science and transfer in the areas of its profile lines. It is not only established courses such as Environmental and Resource Management, Power Engineering, World Heritage Studies and Cyber Security or the Artificial Intelligence course offered since 2023 that are very successful. The new Master’s degree courses Hybrid Electric Propulsion Technology, Urban Design and Sustainable Revitalization, Transformation Studies and Micro- and Nanoelectronics, which are immediately in high demand, are also contributing to the positive development.

For the first time, more young people have started a Master’s degree course at BTU than a Bachelor’s degree course. More than 60 percent of the newly enrolled Master’s students are international students, around 30 percent of whom come from the extended university region and from other, mainly western, German states.

Prof. Dr. Peer Schmidt, Vice President for Studies and Teaching at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, explains: “The high number of applications is a great tribute to our attractive range of courses, which we have successfully repositioned in the recent past. By choosing BTU, many young people from the region, but also from outside the region and internationally, are setting the course for a successful academic education and the achievement of their professional goals.

I am particularly pleased about the great popularity of the teacher training program established last year and our courses in the field of artificial intelligence and engineering. The extraordinarily good start to the new Master’s degree courses deserves special mention. The subjects offered here provide an academic education for young talent with the highest demand in the economy.

It is also a positive signal for securing skilled workers in the economy that we were able to repeat last year’s success in the area of dual studies, which are predominantly in engineering, and once again welcome more than 100 new students in cooperation with companies.”

Of the current 7,100 BTU students, around 5,300 are studying at the Cottbus Central Campus, 1,1000 at the Senftenberg Campus and 700 at the Cottbus-Sachsendorf Campus.

Students from over 126 countries are enrolled at BTU, with India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Iran being the most strongly represented. In total, around 43 percent of students come from abroad. The proportion of women in the total number of students at BTU is also 43 percent.

The range of courses on offer at BTU currently comprises 30 Bachelor’s and 32 Master’s degree programs, including nine degree programs that can also be completed on a dual basis, as well as two doctoral / Ph.D. programs, plus the orientation program and five certificate programs.


Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Peer Schmidt
VP Studies and Teaching
T +49 (0) 355 69-3467

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Photo: BTU, Ralf Schuster

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