
BTU: Lausitz Science Park links science and business

July 15, 2024. After the railroad plant and the Medical University of Lusatia Carl Thiem, the Lausitz Science Park is now also being developed: On Monday, July 15, 2024, a framework agreement was signed in Cottbus/Chóśebuz for the development of the technology and innovation park on an area of approx. 420 hectares.

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Signing of the framework agreement for the development of the Lusatia Science Park (from left): Kathrin Schneider, Minister and Head of the Brandenburg State Chancellery, Tobias Schick, Mayor of Cottbus, Prof. Dr. Gesine Grande, President of BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg. Photo: BTU, Sascha Thor

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In this agreement, the city of Cottbus/Chóśebuz and the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg agree on further cooperation and the establishment of a business development company to drive forward the development of the LSP. Initially, the shareholders will be the city of Cottbus/Chóśebuz and the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg. Other partners may be added. The model is the Berlin-Adlershof Science Park. The process is being supported by the Brandenburg State Chancellery.

Kathrin Schneider, Minister and Head of the State Chancellery: “The Lusatia Science Park (LSP) on the former airfield site in Cottbus will bring together scientific and economic expertise under one roof. This is exactly what we need during structural change. The combination of research, modern technology and business will create new value chains and attractive jobs. The Chesco project, which has already started in Cottbus-Dissenchen and will later move to the LSP, already shows how this works in practice. The task force under the leadership of the State Chancellery has worked intensively and well so that the framework agreement on cooperation at the LSP science and business location between the city of Cottbus and BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg can be signed today. I would like to thank everyone involved for their commitment. This is an important step on the way to establishing LSP GmbH, which will ensure that sufficient space and the necessary infrastructure is created for the establishment of research institutions and commercial enterprises.”

BTU President Prof. Gesine Grande: “This framework agreement is a milestone on the way to establishing the Lausitz Science Park. With the BTU at its center, one of the most dynamic science locations in Germany is currently developing here in Cottbus. The Lusatia Science Park creates attractive conditions for growth, lively start-up activities and the establishment of further scientific institutions and innovative commercial enterprises. I am convinced that we are writing a success story here – for the BTU, for the city and for Lusatia.”

Mayor Tobias Schick: “We are building the third major pillar of structural change here, especially for Cottbus/Chóśebuz, but also for Lusatia as a whole. In its entirety, the Lusatia Science Park will become a new district, so to speak, and build on the traditions of the former Cottbus-Nord airfield – as a place of research and development, of the courage to literally pursue high-flying visions and products, where we combine science and business. This is also an important signal to local SMEs to contribute their expertise and experience here.”

The entire process will continue to be supported by the state government of Brandenburg. The agreement was signed in the presence of the Head of the State Chancellery, Minister Kathrin Schneider, Cottbus Mayor Tobias Schick and BTU President Prof. Gesine Grande.

The agreement states, among other things: “With more than 420 hectares of development area and a direct connection to the city center and the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, the Lusatia Science Park forms a research and science location with high commercial spin-off potential in the Berlin-Lusatia innovation corridor. As a result, land will be jointly activated, economic added value will be generated at the location, high-quality jobs will be created and additional tax revenue will be generated. This will not only benefit the Lausitz Science Park itself, the increase in quality will also have a positive impact on urban structures and urban society.”


Jan Gloßmann
Neumarkt 5
03046 Cottbus
Phone: +49 355 6122030

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Further links

👉 www.b-tu.de 
👉 www.b-tu.de/lausitz-science-park

Photo: BTU, Sascha Thor

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