The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) today announced the selection of a further six AI Factories in Europe, bringing the total number of AI Factories to 13. Germany was also successful in the second selection round and was awarded the contract for an AI Factory at the Jülich site. The AI Factory, named “JAIF – JUPITER AI Factory”, will provide customized services such as data access and consulting services for AI users from science and industry. This will enable the outstanding computing power of the first European exascale supercomputer JUPITER, which is currently under construction, to be used even more effectively for AI purposes.
Federal Research Minister Cem Özdemir explains:
“I warmly congratulate Forschungszentrum Jülich and its partners. It is a huge success that Germany has now also been awarded the contract for an AI Factory in Jülich following the successful application of the High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart. This is yet another confirmation of the excellence of the German HPC and AI location and underlines the importance of the AI competence and service centers funded by the BMBF and the host countries. AI users from science and industry will benefit from this success, especially start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises. With its computing power, JUPITER will be one of the most powerful supercomputers in the world for AI simulations when it goes into operation. Together with the partners’ expertise in the areas of data access, development of large AI models and other services, scientific developments will be made possible on a whole new level. This is a unique combination that will help us in Germany and Europe to become more technologically sovereign.”
The Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia, Hendrik Wüst, explains:
“North Rhine-Westphalia has taken another major step on the path from coal to AI. The establishment of an AI factory at the Jülich site is a huge success and a major milestone on this path. With the award of the EuroHPC (European High Performance Computing), Jülich is consistently continuing its development into a European center for supercomputing and AI. North Rhine-Westphalia has once again proven its worth: Our state brings the best prerequisites to take off in the AI age. We can cooperate, we can synergize, we can change. Our excellent universities and technical colleges are real hotbeds of talent and ideas, our research institutions are ideally positioned in basic research and knowledge transfer and our economy – from SMEs to large companies – develops a wide range of AI-based solutions and implements them throughout the entire value chain. North Rhine-Westphalia is the place where AI is considered from the idea to industrial application. The state government will continue to support both AI research and the expansion of AI ecosystems.”
The AI Factories initiative is based on the European Commission’s “AI innovation package to support Artificial Intelligence startups and SMEs”, which was announced in January 2024. The aim of the measure is to support SMEs and startups in particular in the development of trustworthy, large and powerful AI models in Europe and thus contribute to technological sovereignty in the field of AI. The initiative is supported by the Federal Republic of Germany.
The AI Factory called “JUPITER AIF” is implemented under the leadership of the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) at Forschungszentrum Jülich in cooperation with the AI Center of RWTH Aachen University, the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems, IAIS and Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology, FIT), the AI competence center “Lamarr Institute” and the AI service centers WestAI and hessian.AISC. The partners contribute extensive expertise in the fields of high-performance computing, data processing and AI optimization. The project budget is around 55 million euros and is jointly funded by the European Commission, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia and the Hessian Ministry of Science and Research, Art and Culture.
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Further links
👉 www.bmbf.de
👉 www.eurohpc-ju.europa.eu
👉 www.gaus-centre.eu
👉 www.fz-juelich.de
👉 www.hlrs.de
Photo: pixabay