Smart Systems

BMBF: An important step towards industrial quantum computers

15 October 2024. The combination of quantum computers with high-performance computers promises important advances in battery research, in the optimization of complex production processes and in basic research. In an important step along this path, the procurement contract for the quantum computer in the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)-funded project “European Quantum Computing for Exascale HPC” (Euro-Q-Exa) was signed today. The project integrates state-of-the-art quantum computers into the Leibniz Supercomputing Center (LRZ) in Garching near Munich in two stages. Researchers should be able to test the special features of quantum computing in a high-performance computing environment as early as 2025.

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According to Federal Research Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger:

“The signing of the purchase agreement for the Euro-Q-Exa quantum computer paves the way for the successful combination of basic research and industrial application in quantum computing. The right combination of quantum computers with conventional supercomputers will be crucial for their successful use. Euro-Q-Exa brings solutions to urgent social challenges within reach, whether in industry, medicine, climate research or secure data processing. This will strengthen Germany and Europe as leading locations for this future technology.”


For Euro-Q-Exa, a 54-qubit system from IQM will initially be integrated into the LRZ supercomputer and expanded to 150 qubits in a second step. This will take the quantum computer into areas that can no longer be simulated on conventional computers. The project relies on superconducting circuits, which are currently one of the leading technologies for quantum computers.

Euro-Q-Exa is working closely with the other five sites selected by the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) for the deployment of the first European quantum computers to provide a consistent and transferable solution for the entire European supercomputing ecosystem. The project is based on joint funding from the BMBF, the Free State of Bavaria and EuroHPC.

EuroHPC is a joint initiative of the EU, European countries and private partners to develop a supercomputing ecosystem in Europe.

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