Executive & Extended Board

Our Executive Board is elected by the General Meeting and is committed to the strategic direction of the association with a high level of personal, voluntary commitment.

In addition to the five members of the executive committee, nine board members form the top of Silicon Saxony e. V. They support the executive committee and at the same time represent the network structure of the association in order to represent the various interests of our network members in the executive committee and the board.

To contact our Executive Committee and the Board of Directors, please send an e-mail to committee@silicon-saxony.de.

Executive Board


Bild eines Mitglieds des Präsidiums

Prof. Dr. Frank Schönefeld
Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH

Picture Chairman of the Executive Committee

Dirk Röhrborn
Communardo GmbH

Bild eines Vorstandmitglieds

Heike Wilson
DUALIS GmbH IT Solution

Bild eines Mitglieds des Präsidiums

Raik Brettschneider
Infineon Technologies Dresden GmbH & Co. KG

Bild Vorstand

René Reichardt
DAS Environmental Expert GmbH

Extended Board

Bild Vorstand

Dr. Dirk Drescher
Robert Bosch Semiconductor Manufacturing Dresden GmbH

Bild Arbeitskreisleiter

Dr. Roland Giesen
Fabmatics GmbH

Bild eines Mitglieds des Präsidiums

Yvonne Keil
GlobalFoundries Dresden

Bild eines Vorstandmitglieds

Dr. Michael Arnold
PEER Group GmbH

Uwe Gäbler
Infineon Technologies Dresden GmbH & Co. KG

Janine SteidelmĂĽller

Bild eines Vorstandmitglieds

Dr. Tobias Nestler
DevBoost GmbH

Bild Arbeitskreisleiter

Sven Jaenicke
Carl Zeiss Digital Innovation GmbH

Matthias Schneider
Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH

Advisory Board

“Made in Silicon Saxony” stands for cutting-edge research, technology, innovation, quality and power. With its large number of universities and colleges, research institutes and innovative companies, Saxony is one of the most important technological research and development centers in Germany. Especially in the field of microelectronics and organic electronics, the Free State plays a leading role in Europe. Silicon Saxony supports this in terms of content and structure and, through the work of its advisory board, follows, discusses and promotes not only the network and technology cluster in the region, but also its networking at national, European and international level. The members of the Advisory Board advise the Silicon Saxony Executive Board on strategic issues, provide information on technology trends and support regional, national and international cooperation and technology transfers. To contact our scientific advisory board, please send an e-mail to committee@silicon-saxony.de.

Advisory Board

Prof. Dr. Uwe AĂźmann
Technische Universität Dresden
Fakultät Informatik

Bild eines Mitglieds des wissenschaftlichen Beirats

Andreas BrĂĽning
Fraunhofer IIS

Prof. Dr. Hubert Lakner
Fraunhofer IPMS

Bild eines Mitglieds des wissenschaftlichen Beirats

Prof. Dr. Thomas Mikolajick
NaMLab gGmbH

Bild eines Vorstandmitglieds

Jörg Schüler
HighTech Startbahn Netzwerk e. V.

Prof. Dr. Stefan E. Schulz
Fraunhofer ENAS

Bild eines Mitglieds des wissenschaftlichen Beirats

Prof. Dr. Ehrenfried Zschech

Bild eines Vorstandmitglieds

Dr. Torsten Thieme
Deaxo GmbH