
SMWA: Saxony supports “Local innovation spaces for digitalization” – First call for funding runs until 15 March 2024

1 February 2024. At the end of November 2023, the Saxon cabinet approved the “Local Innovation Spaces for Digitalization” funding guideline, a unique offer to support the digital transformation in Saxony. Up to twelve million euros in state funding is available for this. “We are now launching our call for proposals for the establishment and operation of innovative locations in which the digital transformation in Saxony can benefit from very broad potential and the digital ecosystem can continue to grow. I am looking forward to the concepts submitted,” said Digital Minister Martin Dulig.

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Local innovation spaces for digitalization, LIfDs for short, are places where model projects for co-working spaces, innovation and solution labs or digital labs are set up, operated and further developed. The aim of the funding is to promote the networking of people, projects and organizations in the field of digitalization through a cross-sectoral, overarching approach. LIfDs are not only contact points for companies, but should also use their services to interest citizens in digital topics and help to strengthen their digital skills and ensure participation.

Digital Minister Dulig: “We encounter digitalization everywhere and it is rapidly changing the way we live and work. The digital transformation is not only creating new products and services, but also requires people to keep pace and acquire new skills. The ‘local innovation spaces for digitalization’ are important places for meeting, learning and exchanging ideas that can help us do this. Coworking, maker and hacker spaces, FabLabs and digital labs are already important hubs in Saxony. They offer the opportunity to bring together different economic and social players who do not usually find each other easily.”

The program consists of two funding areas. The first funding area enables the establishment and operation of stationary LIfDs distributed throughout Saxony, the aim of which is to provide various user groups with access to places of digitization and exchange and to promote local networking on digital topics. The second funding object supports the establishment and operation of a mobile LIfD solution that aims to bring digitization, exchange and networking to regions where no local innovation spaces have been found to date. This mobile innovation space is intended to provide impetus for new ideas and future projects in these regions.

The call for projects launched today gives interested future operators of Local Innovation Spaces for Digitalization the opportunity to submit their concepts. The submission deadline ends on March 15, 2024. The concepts must be submitted via the online portal of the Sächsische Aufbaubank – Förderbank – (SAB) and will then be evaluated by a committee. In the event of a positive decision, a request will be made to submit a formal application to the SAB. The maximum grant for stationary LIfD is EUR 400,000. The mobile innovation space is funded with a maximum of EUR 3,000,000.

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Further links

👉 www.smwa.sachsen.de 

Photo: pixabay

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