Home | Mitglieder | VAT Deutschland GmbH

VAT Deutschland GmbH

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Target markets



Machinery & Equipment·Software


Aerospace·Electronic·Energy Systems·Environmental Technoloy·Equipment·Medical Technology / Pharma·Membrane bellows·Micro- / Nanoelektronics·Photovoltaics·Rail / Automotive·Semiconductor Industry·Vacuum valves



Zur Wetterwarte 50 - Haus 337/G 337/G
01109 Dresden

Contact Person

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About this member


VAT – Key Enabler of Advanced Technologies

VAT is the leading global developer, manufacturer
and supplier of high-performance high-end vacuum
valves, multi-valve modules, edge-welded bellows
and related value-added services. The Group,
headquartered in Haag, Switzerland, employs
approximately 1,200 people worldwide. VAT has a
global manufacturing footprint with production
facilities in Haag, Switzerland, Penang, Malaysia, and
Arad, Romania, as well as a facility in Xinwu, Taiwan,
serving local customers.

VAT’s products and services are mainly used in
semiconductor, display and solar panel
manufacturing as well as in a wide range of industry
and research applications. The business offering is
structured into the three segments Valves, Global
Services and Industry.

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