
TU Dresden, SMWA and GlobalFoundries: Optimization of chip production through AI – starting signal for joint project LOTSE

30 November 2023. The Chair of Databases at Technische Universität Dresden is a partner in the ERDF joint research and development project LOTSE – an AI project to optimize chip production in Saxony. The joint project between the semiconductor manufacturer GlobalFoundries and the two medium-sized Dresden companies advanced data processing GmbH and FlowLogiX, as well as HTW Dresden and TU Dresden, is pushing for shorter production times, the reduction of process risks and virtual measurements in chip production with the help of artificial intelligence.

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The aim of the "LOTSE" project is to shorten production times, reduce process risks and perform virtual measurements in chip production with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). Photo: SMWA

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The aim of the “LOTSE” project is to shorten production times, reduce process risks and perform virtual measurements in chip production with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). Minister of State Martin Dulig symbolically handed over the funding decision to the project partners at an on-site meeting today. Thanks to the now fully digitalized application and approval procedures, the participants had already received the digital funding notification a few days ago.

GlobalFoundries is developing solutions with the project partners TU Dresden, HTW Dresden and the Dresden-based companies Advanced Data Processing (ADP) and FlowLogiX using the methods Advanced Analytics (AA) and Machine Learning (ML) until 2026. The project will be funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Free State of Saxony over the three-year period. The funds come from the Saxon ERDF technology funding 2021 to 2027 for research and development (R&D) projects on new products and processes. In joint R&D projects, the Free State of Saxony supports the cooperation of small and medium-sized Saxon companies (SMEs) with other companies, research institutions or universities in Saxony.

Research tasks of the Chair of Databases in this project include the modeling of production times and results, as well as the automated evaluation of error messages during production.

The European Union and the Free State of Saxony are funding the project with 5.4 million euros over the three-year term. Minister of State Martin Dulig symbolically presented the funding decision to the partners involved. “Microchips are known to be the oil of the 21st century,” he emphasized. “SMEs and research in Saxony will benefit from the investments made by the semiconductor companies.”

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Further links

👉 www.tu-dresden.de 
👉 www.smwa.sachsen.de 
👉 https://gf.com/de/ 

Photo: SMWA

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