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IBH IT-Service GmbH

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Bau und Betrieb von Rechenzentren·Beratung zur EU-DSGVO·Breitbandinternet für Business-Kunden·Communication·Computers·Energy Systems·Equipment·Micro- / Nanoelektronics·other·Planung·Rechenzentrumsdienstleistungen: Rack-Vermietung bis Cloud-Dienste·Software·System house



Heilbronner Str. 20
01189 Dresden

Contact Person

Sandra Zander
0351 / 47777 120

About this member


UPS unit
IT Systems mostly have downtimes because of a loss of electricity supply. Through the high dependency between IT-systems and electricity it is for every company it is recommendable to focus on this subject. An UPS project consists not only in purchase and connection of a UPS unit, therefore we discuss further following themes:

  • Engineering of the electricity-supply of a company
  • Engineering of the company intern electricity
  • Decision-making for a installation of a redundant UPS
  • Use of redundant power supplies
  • Sharing the UPS power between the consumer

We would be pleased to advise you in planning and designing of your server rooms and UPS installation. Therefore we have build up founded experiences in UPS units until 4400kVA. During planning of UPS units we discuss the following questions:

  • Which effective power is necessary in kW and how is the forecast for the next 2 until 3 years?
  • Is an upgrade of the UPS necessary for example from 10kVA to 15kVA, from 20kVA to 30kVA or from 275kVA to 550kVA?
  • Which requirements do you have on the availability of the UPS unit?
  • Is it necessary to provide an upgrade of the UPS on a parallel system or an expansion of a parallel system with more UPS moduls?
  • Do you want a modern modular Rack solution or do you prefer a tower model as classical solution?
  • In case of a standalone UPS do you want a manual bypass-switch or an external service-bypass?
  • Which backup power time do you need?
  • Do you like 5-year batteries or 10-year batteries?
  • Which Shutdown solution do you whish to have?

Together with the customer we develop project documents during the project like:

  • checklist with coordinates features and limiting conditions for the UPS,
  • block diagram of the UPS,
  • layout plan (scale 1:25),
  • wiring plan,
  • circuit diagram of input distributer, parallel moduls and distribution of the UPS power incl. Calculation of cable cross-sections

Internet access und Cloud solutions
In 1994 we offered the first Internet access in Saxony and began to build our own Backbone in Dresden.
Today we have got over 10 hubs in the backbone and have expanded our backbone with the 10GB technology. On this basis we could realise different custom-made Interet access. Although we focus also on the demands of SMB and on a high availabilty and reliablility of the Internet access. Our customer always get the top service they deserve.
As a member of the DENIC e.G. and the RIPE NCC we provide all relevant basic and additional services.
These include:

  • Internet access on basis of new technologies,
  • provisioning of IP-address out of the address range IPv4 and IPv6 and also
  • registration of domains and domain name services (DNS).

If we speak of Internet services we should not forget the most important sector of security. In this area we provide Antivirus-products, Certificates, VPN-solutions and also products to archive e-mails and programs to achieve a legal use of the Internet at work.
From the beginning we give our customers the possibility of server housing and hosting of websites. Today everybody talks about cloud services, but the start-up was in the middle of the 1990s, at this time it was called Application Service Providing (ASP). We are able to deliver dedicate cloud solutions up to host and maintain whole computer center. Our 7×24 support complete this offer. Hosting is always defined as a 1:1 contractual relationship on basis of a legal contract according to german law.

The networked world creates complex challanges to secure data in companies. Especially innovative companies and research institutions are at the focus of industrial espionage. The strategies are more sophisticated and want to achieve the excessive damage. IBH and his strong partners could deliver every advanced solution.
A conventional mean to control the border between Internet and the internal network of a company is a firewall. IBH install and maintain Firewall solutions of different producer. In addition, these modern and complex services need an intelligent self defense of the network against attacks from the inside and the outside. To prevent the network against attacks it is possible to equip HP or Cisco switches and routers with safety functions. In the field of server and endpoint security we rely on the products of ESET and FRISK for several years.
Together with our partner COMODO CA we offer several security certificates. Whether if you need a confirmation for your software, for your web server or for your shop – at IBH you could easily order certificates.
If you have done every action with the best knowledge and belief, you don’t really know if all security gaps are closed. To show you if the perceived safety is the truth we developed with our knowledge a service package in form of a PEN analysis.

Whether Storage virtualization, server virtualization or desktop virtualization no company could turn away of this theme. The growing demand on ressources, rise in flexible operating processes and the interdependence on the IT under cost pressure force new approach in managing ressources.
Mission-critical processes are managed from the IT. Because of this the call for permanent availability is a logical consequence of this interdependency. Research institutions, manufacturing companies and service provider are close to this request. Long-term planned downtimes are not accepted from employees and divisions.
Realisation of high availability requires high available networks with redundant Internet access and high available virtualized server and desktops and the use of storage virtualization in a high available SAN with several storage system.
With the use of the server virtualization the number of physical server could be reduced and the capacity of the server ressources could be optimized. Moreover it is possible to do maintenance work during operation on the system. With the desktop virtualization it is easy to make new desktops available, which are run and managed in an computer center and are reachable from everywhere. With server and storage virtualization you are covered against un-planned downtimes. In this field we use the products from market leader VMware, Citrix and DataCore. With our detailed and certified knowledge we are disposal for your planning, realization and support. We have more than 20 years of experiences with high availablility in computer centers. Start from uninterruptible power supply to networks and server systems and finish in storage systems.

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