
BSI and the Free State of Saxony: Cooperation for more cyber security

November 21, 2023: The Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) and the Free State of Saxony have agreed on the implementation of cooperation measures in the area of cyber and information security. BSI President Claudia Plattner and Prof. Thomas Popp, State Secretary for Digital Administration and Administrative Modernization and Commissioner for Information Technology (CIO) in the Free State of Saxony, signed a corresponding cooperation agreement today.

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BSI President Claudia Plattner (right) and Prof. Thomas Popp, State Secretary for Digital Administration and Administrative Modernization and Commissioner for Information Technology (CIO) in the Free State of Saxony, signed the cooperation agreement. Photo: Saxon State Chancellery

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During her visit to Dresden, Claudia Plattner said: “With the cooperation agreement, the Free State of Saxony is putting the topic of cyber security more prominently on the agenda: it serves as a compass for structured cooperation and contributes to increasing cyber resilience in Germany. Intensive cooperation based on a rapid and comprehensive mutual exchange of information is a cornerstone of this. I am delighted that everyone involved here in Saxony is so committed to strengthening our cooperation. The BSI site in Freital ensures short distances.”

“Everything is nothing without security. Information security is a fundamental basis for our administrative activities. We must join forces to counter threats from cyberspace. The Free State of Saxony recognized this early on and has been working with the BSI since 2018. The cooperation agreement will now enable us to network even more closely. We are looking forward to this,” emphasized Prof. Thomas Popp.

The cooperation covers eight fields of action. Both partners will work together more intensively on cyber defense, support each other in the event of IT security incidents and work together to educate citizens more about cyber and information security, for example with awareness-raising lectures and events.

The BSI and the federal states use cooperation agreements to structure their respective collaboration in the field of cyber security in compliance with the constitutional separation of state tasks between the federal government and the federal states. The BSI has already concluded cooperation agreements with the federal states of Saxony-Anhalt, Lower Saxony, Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland.

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Further links

👉 www.bsi.bund.de 
👉 www.sachsen.de 

Photo: Saxon State Chancellery

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