Home | Mitglieder | CONVANIT GmbH & Co. KG


Company type

Small companies (<50 employees or <10 million annual turnover)

Target markets

Electronics·Machinery and Equipment




Consulting·Data Science·Electronic·IT automation·Micro- / Nanoelektronics·other·Photovoltaics·process stability·production efficiency·Rail / Automotive·Semiconductor Industry·Smart Systems·Software·Yield Management


About this member

convanit combines user expertise in production control and yield improvement with data analysis and AI methods. The wealth of experience from the semiconductor industry enables a large portfolio of applicable methods and solution strategies.

One of the main topics is the AI-based evaluation of all images generated in production for process control, material assessment and quality improvement. Great emphasis is placed on simple and stringent application.

Users, AI experts and software developers work together on concepts, methods and tools to enable manufacturing companies to optimally implement their specific use cases for AI-based process monitoring.

Supporting customers from proof-of-concept through to implementation and beyond is an important part of this.
convanit has been supporting companies in the semiconductor, MEMS, electronics, chemical, mechanical engineering and photovoltaics sectors since 2012, primarily in Europe.

With a broad spectrum of methods and practical experience in the field of yield and quality assurance, convanit is your contact for the selection, implementation and introduction of measures for data- and method-based production optimization.

CONVANIT offers technical consulting and solutions in the areas of Yield management and IT Automation for semiconductor and similar industries.

We combine our long term technical competencies in the areas of Yield, quality, process stability, production efficiency and IT automation with strong methodological and social skills. All together this creates surprising perspectives and innovative solutions for the best benefit of our customers.


  • Yield Management,
  • process stability,
  • Quality,
  • IT automation,
  • production efficiency,
  • Big data analysis

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