
BSI: 5G Security – BSI opens 5G/6G Security Lab at Freital site

August 30, 2023 – The German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) today commissioned the first stage of its 5G/6G Security Lab in Freital in the presence of BSI President Claudia Plattner.

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With the security lab, BSI has a test environment typical for telecommunications operators with several radio cells in its own campus network. The basic system includes components for a cloud-native 5G core network as well as technology covering both 5G and 4G functions. Extensions to the lab including Open RAN technology as well as temporary test sites are currently being implemented. In the future, the BSI will use products from various manufacturers for this purpose.

In this regard, Claudia Plattner says: “A central topic for the BSI is cyber security in mobile infrastructures. With the first construction stage of the 5G/6G Security Lab at the BSI in Freital, we have reached an important milestone. I would like to thank the colleagues in Freital for their great commitment to upgrading the Lab.”

The BSI is pursuing the goal of continuously increasing the security level and resilience of national and private 5G networks. In the 5G/6G Security Lab, the BSI will, among other things:

  • develop the certification basis for critical components, help shape security in the standardization of mobile communications,
  • update the specifications and guidelines for network operators in agreement with the Federal Network Agency in a practice-oriented manner,
  • cooperate closely with research and development, and invite security researchers for joint tests and investigations.

The BSI has helped numerous projects get off the ground in 5G/6G security with a funding guideline. These range from 5G test centers to larger research consortia to startups. These projects, as well as security researchers, are now invited to validate their results with the help of the 5G/6G Security Lab.

Press Contact:
Federal Office for Information Security
Press Office
Tel: 0228-999582-5777

Twitter: @BSI_Bund

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