Human Resources

Communardo: Focus on operational employees and efficient organizations

September 1, 2023. Programs for frontline workers, process digitization and employee experience counteract fluctuation and the shortage of skilled workers and cushion its effects

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Connecting frontline workers and reducing their workload with automated processes counteracts the effects of the skills shortage.

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An estimated one million people will retire this year, according to the Federal Statistical Office. The already existing shortage of skilled workers will thus become more intense. To address this, the German government has adopted a skilled labor strategy that includes, among other things, the points of quality of work and change in work culture. How this looks in practice is shown by the Frontline Worker, Employee Experience and Process Digitization programs from Communardo, an expert in digital working.

Employee Experience: holistic approach and AI for happier workforces

Employee Experience helps companies retain their existing and potential employees. This holistic, strategic approach takes the employee’s perspective and aims to create the most positive overall impression of all interactions and processes, as well as the work environment. This enables employees to be motivated, engaged and productive, which directly impacts business success in a positive way. “Practically, we support with consulting and workshops. We have also introduced the clever and AI-supported modules of Microsoft Viva to customer companies,” says Dr. Peter Geissler, Head of People Experience at Communardo. Viva also acts as an assistant, making appointment suggestions as well as relevant, new information accessible. At an international staffing firm, Communardo introduced Viva Engage, which helps recruiting specialists share knowledge across its many locations.

Networking employees via technology
Employee Experience is aimed at both employees with PC workstations and the operational forces – the so-called frontline workers. Supporting them is equally relevant; after all, production and service employees are just as difficult to recruit. The Frontline Worker Empowerment program is all about suitable technological solutions that enable all employees to access information, knowledge and digital processes. One favored solution for this is apps, such as those Communardo has developed for the Austrian supermarket chain MPREIS. Using any smartphone, logistics or store employees can access the intranet, duty rosters, HR services or their staff discount.

Automated processes relieve
“These programs, as well as automated processes, help companies to counter the staff shortage, of which only the first ripples are currently being felt. The situation will become more worrisome in the next few years as more baby boomers retire. Any company that has eliminated unnecessary work steps and is able to retain its good specialists and attract new ones will be in the lead in the war for talent,” predicts Christian Kummer, Head of Business Unit Process Automation at Communardo. The customer projects in which he has translated both digital and manual processes into workflows show a clear reduction in workload. This is because recurring tasks can be minimized and standards can also be maintained. The energy trader VNG Handel & Vertrieb has been working with a contract management system since last year, in which customized workflows are stored for each type of contract, which also clearly define responsibilities, thus also eliminating duplicate work.

Customers benefit from close partnership between Microsoft and Communardo


As a Managed Partner and Solutions Partner for Microsoft’s Modern Work, Communardo is directly supported by the software company in the three aspects, allowing it to move quickly on new features. “Communardo recognizes trends early and is one of our most important partners focusing on Viva modules. Communardo pays attention to the best technical and cultural implementation for customers, they get the most out of their Microsoft tools,” said Ermin Licina, Sr. Partner Development Manager at Microsoft.

With the new functionalities in the Viva Suite and the various gains from linking with Artificial Intelligences, there is new potential that Communardo will include in its portfolio for the specialist areas of People Experience, Internal Communication and Organizational Development and Process Management.

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