
SMWA: Foundations laid for fiber optic expansion

August 22, 2023. The roll-out of gigabit infrastructures in Germany is accelerating. By 2030, according to the federal government’s goal, Germany should have nationwide fiber optics and the latest generation of mobile communications. Back in May of this year, the state government decided to fund the new federal subsidy for gigabit networks, which came into effect at the beginning of April 2023. To this end, the Saxon state parliament provided commitment appropriations of EUR 600 million by amending the law on the “Fund for Digital Participation and Fast Internet” on July 5, 2023.

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With the RL DiOS 2023 of the Ministry of Economics, which was discussed today in the cabinet, the formal basis has now also been created. With the continuation of the co-financing of federal funding, an almost area-wide development of the Free State with gigabit-capable infrastructures in conjunction with the self-supported expansion is possible.

Digital Minister Martin Dulig: “All the counties and municipalities are now invited to submit your applications. Due to the very generous confinement of the Free State, the federal funding is increased to 100 percent. The Digital Agency Saxony is also providing applicants with strong support in the application process. This means that there are no costs for the districts and municipalities. So if not now, when else does one tackle the expansion of the digital infrastructure?”

All areas in which no data rates of 200 Mbit/s symmetrical or 500 Mbit/s in download are currently reliably available are eligible for funding. These are basically all connections that are not developed on the basis of fiber optics or with state-of-the-art cable networks and that will not be developed with this technology in the next three years.

Minister Dulig: “Saxony must not fall behind when it comes to fiber optic expansion. We are on a good path, have been promoting and supporting for years, but we must not let up now. We announced in May that we were laying the foundations for municipalities and counties. This has now been done with the DiOS 2023 directive. Once again, I call on all municipalities and counties to submit their applications quickly now.”

Under the provisions of the Basic Law, telecommunications services are the responsibility of private telecommunications companies as private-sector services. Only where these do not expand may the state support broadband expansion with subsidies under narrow legal conditions. Accordingly, the city and its districts may not be developed across the board with public funds, but only where this is permissible under state aid law, because current coverage is below the so-called “take-up threshold” and no private telecommunications company can provide broadband. Aufgreifschwelle lies and no private telecommunications company for the next three years the intention of a self-economic expansion announced.

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