
Infineon, Bosch and NXP: Leading semiconductor companies jointly drive RISC-V forward

August 4, 2023. semiconductor companies Robert Bosch GmbH, Infineon Technologies AG, Nordic Semiconductor, NXP ® Semiconductors and Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. are jointly investing in a company that will enable the development of next-generation hardware to drive the adoption of RISC-V worldwide.

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Die Halbleiterunternehmen Robert Bosch GmbH, Infineon Technologies AG, Nordic Semiconductor, NXP® Semiconductors und Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. investieren gemeinsam in ein Unternehmen, das die Entwicklung von Hardware der nächsten Generation ermöglichen und so die Verbreitung von RISC-V weltweit vorantreiben soll. Grafik: Infineon

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The company, which is to be founded in Germany, is to accelerate the commercialization of future products based on the RISC-V open source architecture. As a one-stop shop, the company will enable interoperability between RISC-V-based products, provide reference architectures and establish solutions that will be widely used in industry. The initial focus will be on automotive applications with possible expansion into mobile and IoT.

RISC-V technology fosters innovation and enables companies to develop innovative, custom hardware based on an open-source instruction set. Further adoption of RISC-V technology promotes diversity in the electronics industry, reduces barriers to entry for smaller companies, and provides better scalability for established vendors.

The company invites industry associations, industry leaders, and policymakers to support this initiative to strengthen the resilience of the semiconductor ecosystem.

The company’s formation is subject to regulatory approval in various countries.

Robert Bosch GmbH

“Bosch is convinced that initiatives to promote open RISC-V specifications will significantly advance the global mobility market. The initiative now planned will significantly contribute to establishing a reliable and efficient EU semiconductor ecosystem,” said Jens Fabrowsky, Executive Vice President at Bosch and responsible for the semiconductor business.

Infineon Technologies AG

“Vehicles are increasingly defined by software and reliability requirements are rising – for example due to electrification and connectivity, furthermore due to trends such as autonomous driving. Therefore, there is a general need for ecosystem standardization and compatibility across the industry. CPUs have a central role in this ecosystem on the IP side. We are proud to help establish trusted RISC-V based automotive products in the automotive industry with this initiative. Through the knowledge and expertise of leading market players, the full potential of RISC-V is being applied in the automotive sector,” said Peter Schiefer, Division President of Infineon’s Automotive Division.

Nordic Semiconductor

“As an enthusiastic supporter of the RISC-V initiative, Nordic Semiconductor is committed to driving the project forward. Nordic’s IoT solutions are at the forefront of low-power wireless technology. Continued access to efficient and powerful embedded microprocessors is critical for us to maintain this position. The ideal response to this challenge is to openly collaborate with like-minded companies, to continuously improve innovative RISC-V microprocessor IP and ensure a robust and reliable supply of this technology,” said Svein-Egil Nielsen, CTO/EVP R&D and Strategy, Nordic Semiconductor.

NXP Semiconductors

“NXP is proud to be part of a new joint project in Europe to initially develop fully certified RISC-V based IP and architectures for the automotive industry. The creation of a one-stop-shop ecosystem through which customers can select turnkey solutions will drive the adoption of RISC-V across many European industries,” said Lars Reger, executive vice president and chief technology officer at NXP Semiconductors. “We thank the Artificial Intelligence Center Hamburg (ARIC) e.V. for supporting this joint project.”

Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.

“We are pleased to join other industry players in advancing the RISC-V ecosystem through the development of next-generation hardware. Qualcomm Technologies has been investing in RISC-V for more than five years; we have integrated RISC-V microcontrollers into many of our commercial platforms. We believe RISC-V will drive innovation and can fundamentally change the industry,” said Ziad Asghar, senior vice president of product management, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.

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Further links

👉 www.infineon.com
👉 www.bosch.de 
👉 www.nxp.com 

Graphics: Infineon

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