
Bitkom: Cyber attacks on the cloud are usually fended off

August 15, 2024. Phishing emails to steal passwords, DDoS attacks to paralyze IT or ransomware attacks to infiltrate malware, encrypt data and extort ransom money – this is everyday life for many companies. Cloud services offer protection against many of these cyber attacks. Of the 81% of companies that currently use cloud computing, more than half (54%) state that they have not experienced any cyberattacks on their cloud environment in the past twelve months. A further 35% have experienced attacks, but the security measures have taken effect and reduced the impact. Only 6 percent experienced major disruptions to operations as a result of the attacks. These are the results of a representative survey of 603 companies with 20 or more employees from all economic sectors in Germany commissioned by the digital association Bitkom.

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“Cloud providers employ highly specialized experts to protect their services and keep them up to date with the latest technological developments. Many IT departments, especially in small and medium-sized companies, are unable to do this,” says Lukas Klingholz, cloud expert at Bitkom. “The cloud offers every company the opportunity to bring its IT security up to the highest level.”

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