Home | Events | Transnational Access to Cutting-Edge Research Facilities: Testimonials from SMEs and research on Leveraging ASCENT+

Transnational Access to Cutting-Edge Research Facilities: Testimonials from SMEs and research on Leveraging ASCENT+

Silicon Saxony is a partner of the ASCENT+ project, which helps SMEs to overcome technical hurdles in the fields of micro- and nanoelectronics with the help of European research institutions. Join our webinar on 19 September and find out how!

ASCENT+ provides small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with free-of-charge access to world-class research facilities, giving them a competitive edge. Hear from participating research institutes Tyndall and Fraunhofer on how SMEs can benefit from their resources and expertise. In addition, the SMEs Ferroelectric Memory GmbH (FMC), Chipmetrics and POLYN Technology as well as the University of Stuttgart ILH will report on how they have increased their innovative strength through ASCENT+.


  • Introduction to the ASCENT+ project
  • Exclusive insights from participating research institutes | Tyndall and/or Fraunhofer
  • Testimonials from SMEs & a university that have already participated in the programme
    Dr Stefan Müller, CTO at Ferroelectric Memory GmbH (FMC)
    Thomas Werner, Head of Metrology Wafer Business at Chipmetrics
    Alexey Dolbunov, COO at POLYN Technology
    Manuel Rueß, Research Associate at the University of Stuttgart ILH
  • Questions and closing remarks


The ASCENT+ project bridges the gap between SMEs, universities and research organisations by providing free transnational access to cutting-edge technology and expertise across Europe. Our webinars will demonstrate how ASCENT+ promotes innovation, supports financial constraints and fosters collaboration. Participants will learn how they can use these resources to improve their competitiveness, overcome regulatory barriers and gain access to different markets. Join us to discover how ASCENT+ can enable your organisation to reach its full potential and accelerate scientific research and technological innovation.

Participating research institutes

ASCENT+ works together with five renowned research institutes: Tyndall National Institute in Ireland, imec in Belgium, CEA-Leti in France, Fraunhofer IISB in Germany and Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) in Italy. These institutes are recognised for their cutting-edge research and development in micro- and nanoelectronics. By leveraging the unique expertise and state-of-the-art facilities of these leading institutions, ASCENT+ offers unprecedented opportunities for innovation, collaboration and access to cutting-edge technology, fostering the progress of SMEs, universities and research organisations across Europe.

More about ASCENT+: https://silicon-saxony.de/en/services/projects/ascent/


04.09.2024 16:00
04.09.2024 18:00




Online event


Contact person

Laëtitia Baousson | Silicon Saxony

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