
Change at the top of Intel Germany

Although the completion of Intel’s chip factories in Magdeburg is still years away, the Group is already making personnel changes in the management of the German subsidiary.

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A proven sales expert and computer scientist is to become the head of Intel Germany: Sonja Pierer (46) has been appointed as the new managing director of the chip manufacturer in Germany. This was announced by the company on Friday in Munich. Pierer succeeds Christin Eisenschmid, who left the company in March “for personal reasons”.

Pierer’s tasks also include landing orders for the factories in Magdeburg. The chip factories not only produce semiconductors for Intel itself, but also for other semiconductor suppliers. However, contract production has a long lead time. According to Intel, it takes between two and four years to develop the microprocessors for the production processes in Magdeburg. Even Group CEO Pat Gelsinger is involved in the acquisition of contract customers.

Pierer originally comes from a Bavarian family of craftsmen and was the first to study computer science in Passau. “Intel will continue to make a significant contribution to the ongoing digitalization of the German and European economy in the coming years,” emphasized Pierer. With the planned construction of the chip factories in Magdeburg, Intel is sending a strong signal in Europe. “With a sum of over 30 billion euros, the location is one of the largest single investments in the history of the Federal Republic of Germany.”

The German government approved state aid of 9.9 billion euros for the relocation last year. Construction of the chip factories could start in 2025 if the EU Commission approves the funds in the coming months. In the past, Intel had targeted the start of construction of the chip factories in Magdeburg for the end of 2024.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240621-99-476869/2

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