Startseite | Mitglieder | SpiNNcloud Systems GmbH

SpiNNcloud Systems GmbH




Elektronik·Infrastruktur·Life Science·Logistik·Mobilität




Hybrid AI·Neuromorphes Computing·Supercomputing



Freiberger Str. 37
01067 Dresden


Christian Eichhorn

Über das Mitglied

Company Description

SpiNNcloud Systems is a pioneering deep-tech startup based in Dresden, Germany, specializing in the commercialization of advanced supercomputing platforms inspired by the human brain. Emerging from the Technische Universität Dresden, the company leverages cutting-edge research from the Human Brain Project, a billion-euro initiative funded by the European Union. The company commercializes this IP, that is the SpiNNaker2 architecture, a massively-parallel chip design incorporating 152 ARM processors per chip, designed to efficiently implement sparsity-aware artificial neural networks, symbolic AI, and spiking neural networks.

The SpiNNaker2 chip forms the backbone of SpiNNcloud Systems' innovative hybrid high-performance compute platform and offers unparalleled parallelism, energy efficiency, and real-time capability. This platform is designed to power the third generation of AI-driven systems, which will seamlessly blend statistical AI with brain-like computing principles. With a scalable architecture capable of supporting up to 70,000 chips or 10 million cores while maintaining only 5ms latency, SpiNNcloud Systems stands at the forefront of AI and supercomputing technology. The platform is intended for a variety of applications, including defense, drug discovery, smart city infrastructure, and real-time optimization.

Currently, SpiNNcloud Systems has established itself as a leader in the AI and supercomputing industry through its innovative technology and strategic presence in key markets. The company has expanded its operations with the establishment of a subsidiary, SpiNNcloud North America Inc., to enhance its market reach and operational capacity. With a strong team of experts and a commitment to leveraging brain-inspired principles for technological advancement, SpiNNcloud Systems is delivering cutting-edge solutions that bridge the gap between contemporary artificial systems and the efficiency of the human brain.

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