Softwareadesso: The five key drivers of the AI revolutionArtificial Intelligence | Digitalization | Software Development
Smart SystemsSupraTix Joins the European AI Alliance, Committing to Excellence and Trust in AI DevelopmentArtificial Intelligence | Data Security | Digital Twins | Digitalization | Press Release | Software Development | Technological Sovereignty
Smart SystemsSupraTix GmbH Joins NVIDIA InceptionArtificial Intelligence | Cloud | Data Security | Digital Twins | Digitalization | Machinery & Plant Engineering | Mixed Reality | Research & Development | Resilience | Robotics | Sensors | Sustainability | System Design | Technological Sovereignty
Smart SystemsWhat is a smart system?Artificial Intelligence | Automation | Digitalisierung | Digitalization | Edge Computing | Edge Computing | Industrial Internet of Things | Industrial Internet of Things | Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) | NEXT | NEXT | Semiconductor | Sensors | Silicon Saxony | Silicon Saxony
MicroelectronicsNewswire: SpiNNcloud Systems Announces First Commercially Available Neuromorphic SupercomputerArtificial Intelligence | Cloud | Cloud | Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) | Neuromorphes Computing | Neuromorphic Computing | Press Release
Silicon SaxonyIntegration of Fraunhofer FEP’s Microdisplays and Sensors business unit into Fraunhofer IPMSArtificial Intelligence | Automation | Big Data | Cloud | Connectivity | Digitalization | Growth | IC Design | Research & Development | Sensors | Silicon Saxony
MicroelectronicsCall for speakers | 21. Innovation Forum for AutomationArtificial Intelligence | Automation | Automation | Cleanroom | Digital Twins | Digital Twins | Digitalisierung | Digitalization | Electronics | Electronics | Semiconductor | Industrial Internet of Things | Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) | Machinery & Plant Engineering | Manufacturing | Machinery & Plant Engineering | Sustainability | Track & Trace | Cleanroom | Robotics | Semiconductor | System Design | Track & Trace
SoftwareAI & ChatGPT offer more opportunities than Risks for news publisherArtificial Intelligence | Automation | Digitalization | Editorial | Press Release
Software11 Rules for Better SEO to Make Your Website Successful in 2023Artificial Intelligence | Automation | Communication | Press Release | Software Development